Knowing the fair market value of Brambach pianos is useful to sellers, buyers and owners. This information can help guide you in making important decisions. The Brambach Piano Co. was established by Franz Joseph Brambach (originally from Bonn, Germany) in 1823 in New York, NY. They were one of the larger manufacturing firms in the late 1800s to early 1900s, and were able to produce pianos in high volume for many other piano manufacturers, including the Kohler & Campbell piano company of New York. In 1912 they were re-organized by Mark P. Campbell and continued operations in New York, moving twice by 1926. In the late 1920s Brambach was acquired by Kohler & Campbell, also using the Kohler - Brambach name until about the early 1930s. Kohler & Campbell continued to make Brambach pianos until 1985 when they sold the company to the California retail chain, Sherman Clay who later sold to Korean firm, Samick. Brambach pianos are no longer in production. DETERMINE THE VALUE OF USED BRAMBACH PIANOS HERE |
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